As the City of Mill Valley Looks to Make the Case in November for a 1% Sales Tax Hike, Dick Spotswood Spotlights the Bay Area’s Larger Revenue Needs

As the City of Mill Valley Looks to Make the Case in November for a 1% Sales Tax Hike, Dick Spotswood Spotlights the Bay Area’s Larger Revenue Needs

The Mill Valley City Council agreed last week to seek voter approval of an effort to pass a 1% Sales Tax increase ballot measure in November to establish a dependable source of local funding for crucial City services and facilities over the next 10-15 years. That...
MVSD Is Set to Undergo a Major Transformation of MVMS With a Middle School Modernization Project Many Years in the Making!

MVSD Is Set to Undergo a Major Transformation of MVMS With a Middle School Modernization Project Many Years in the Making!

As many of our community members are aware, the Mill Valley Middle School is set to undergo a major transformation. The proposed Mill Valley Middle School Modernization Project will see the replacement of the existing buildings with a modern, new structure. The...
Curated News You Can Use, From Mill Valley & Beyond – Week of June 24

Curated News You Can Use, From Mill Valley & Beyond – Week of June 24

If you want to support this Enjoy Mill Valley Blog, including all of the News You Can Use below, you can make a tax-deductible donation of $75 or more to the Enjoy Mill Valley Fund, which supports shovel-ready beautification and infrastructure improvements throughout...
Editorial: Bipartisan Duo Seeks to Address American Unhappiness by “Restoring the Common Good Initiative” and Exploring the Reasons Behind the Dissatisfaction

Editorial: Bipartisan Duo Seeks to Address American Unhappiness by “Restoring the Common Good Initiative” and Exploring the Reasons Behind the Dissatisfaction

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, writing on behalf of the Continental Congress, proclaimed that all people have an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These stand as guiding principles for our republic, shaping both...
As Electricity Bills Soar, MCE Offers Relief: Residents and Businesses Eligible for MCE Cares Credit Get up to $25 in Monthly Credits

As Electricity Bills Soar, MCE Offers Relief: Residents and Businesses Eligible for MCE Cares Credit Get up to $25 in Monthly Credits

As investor-owned utilities increase prices, MCE’s Board of Directors is offering bill relief for homes and businesses while keeping rates stable and lower than PG&E. Bay Area residents most burdened by energy costs will receive a $20 monthly MCE Cares Credit...