Kid-Centric Shop Tantrum at MV Lumber Yard Turns One, Celebrates First Year, Touts Slim Chance Circus Performance & Free Popcorn – July 21st, 2-3pm

Kid-Centric Shop Tantrum at MV Lumber Yard Turns One, Celebrates First Year, Touts Slim Chance Circus Performance & Free Popcorn – July 21st, 2-3pm

Tantrum – the ultra-creative retail shop that moved into the Mill Valley Lumber Yard in October 2023 – is celebrating its first anniversary, and they’re doing so with plenty of fun, as usual. They’re bringing in a Slim Chance Circus performance, as well as...
Photographer Callie Zimmerman, a Recent Marin Academy Grad and the Winner of the EMV Guide Cover Contest, Is the MV Chamber’s First Tuesday Artwalk Artist – Aug. 6th, 5:30-7:30!

Photographer Callie Zimmerman, a Recent Marin Academy Grad and the Winner of the EMV Guide Cover Contest, Is the MV Chamber’s First Tuesday Artwalk Artist – Aug. 6th, 5:30-7:30!

Callie Zimmerman, who just graduated from Marin Academy and will be attending Tufts University in the fall, is the Mill Valley Chamber’s selection as Artist of the month and more. She was selected to be the cover contest winner for our upcoming MV Community map....
Piazza D’Angelo’s Luigi Petrone Unveils New Specialty Craft Cocktail Program, Announces Arrival of New GM Indira Diaz

Piazza D’Angelo’s Luigi Petrone Unveils New Specialty Craft Cocktail Program, Announces Arrival of New GM Indira Diaz

In 2017, Paolo Petrone and Domenico Petrone, the brothers who opened Piazza D’Angelo in 1981, drawing inspiration from their hometown of Decollatura in Calabria, the “toe” of the Italian peninsula, passed the proverbial batons to their respective children. Luigi...
As the City of Mill Valley Looks to Make the Case in November for a 1% Sales Tax Hike, Dick Spotswood Spotlights the Bay Area’s Larger Revenue Needs

As the City of Mill Valley Looks to Make the Case in November for a 1% Sales Tax Hike, Dick Spotswood Spotlights the Bay Area’s Larger Revenue Needs

The Mill Valley City Council agreed last week to seek voter approval of an effort to pass a 1% Sales Tax increase ballot measure in November to establish a dependable source of local funding for crucial City services and facilities over the next 10-15 years. That...
Remember the Wiggle and the Fervor that Followed About What to Do With the Additional Space? City Officials Have the Budget to Expand the Plaza

Remember the Wiggle and the Fervor that Followed About What to Do With the Additional Space? City Officials Have the Budget to Expand the Plaza

As you’ll certainly recall unless you weren’t in Mill Valley at the time, there was quite the kerfuffle in 2022 around what Mill Valley residents might want to do with the former wiggle, i.e., the expansion of the sidewalk along the block of Miller between...
The Still Collective, a Staging and Design Company Offering a ‘Soulful Nod to California Casual Living,’ Opens Their a Retail Store This Week at the Iconic MV Lumber Yard – Thursday, June 20, 4pm

The Still Collective, a Staging and Design Company Offering a ‘Soulful Nod to California Casual Living,’ Opens Their a Retail Store This Week at the Iconic MV Lumber Yard – Thursday, June 20, 4pm

Lori Sperling, the founder and creator of the Still Collective, a San Anselmo-based staging and design company that offers a “soulful nod to California casual living,” is opening a retail shop this week within the iconic Mill Valley Lumber Yard. Sperling...