As the City of Mill Valley Looks to Make the Case in November for a 1% Sales Tax Hike, Dick Spotswood Spotlights the Bay Area’s Larger Revenue Needs

As the City of Mill Valley Looks to Make the Case in November for a 1% Sales Tax Hike, Dick Spotswood Spotlights the Bay Area’s Larger Revenue Needs

The Mill Valley City Council agreed last week to seek voter approval of an effort to pass a 1% Sales Tax increase ballot measure in November to establish a dependable source of local funding for crucial City services and facilities over the next 10-15 years. That...
On the Heels of an Impactful, Festive Juneteenth at Tam High With MV Rec and Hip Hop for Change, Let’s Celebrate This Treasured Holiday More Broadly Today!

On the Heels of an Impactful, Festive Juneteenth at Tam High With MV Rec and Hip Hop for Change, Let’s Celebrate This Treasured Holiday More Broadly Today!

Juneteeth, the nation’s 12th national holiday that is ​officially recognized on June 19th as the oldest celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States, draws a great deal of justifiable, ever-growing attention, and 2024 is no different. The...
MV Free, Hip Hop for Change & MV Recreation Take Juneteenth to Another Level With Food, Festivities, Live Music Basketball & Plenty of Fun – June 15, 11am-3pm @ Tam High

MV Free, Hip Hop for Change & MV Recreation Take Juneteenth to Another Level With Food, Festivities, Live Music Basketball & Plenty of Fun – June 15, 11am-3pm @ Tam High

Juneteeth, the nation’s 12th national holiday that is ​officially recognized on June 19th as the oldest celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States, draws a great deal of justifiable, ever-growing attention, and 2024 is no different. The...
Luke Barnesmoore of Home Match: Older Adult Homelessness and the Need for a County Homelessness Prevention Strategy

Luke Barnesmoore of Home Match: Older Adult Homelessness and the Need for a County Homelessness Prevention Strategy

By Luke Barnesmoore In California, older adults are now the fastest-growing demographic facing first-time homelessness. Shockingly, 48% of the unhoused population in California is over 50, with 41% experiencing homelessness for the first time after reaching this age...
Free Westminster Events Panel on Affordable Housing in Marin Featured a Trio Who Wants You to Learn to Love and Support Housing Density for the Long-Term Benefit of our Community

Free Westminster Events Panel on Affordable Housing in Marin Featured a Trio Who Wants You to Learn to Love and Support Housing Density for the Long-Term Benefit of our Community

You have (hopefully) heard by now that Marin is in the midst of a housing crisis, and that if we don’t address it head on, we may ultimately lose the local control we have over where new housing appears within our community. There have been no shortage of...