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Here’s a roundup of recent headlines on vital subjects:
DEI & Housing Headlines
- California pro-housing bills clash with coastal protections — again
- Mill Valley police: Swastikas sprayed on Ukraine flags
- Editorial: San Rafael gets clearer idea on needs for those living in encampments
- San Rafael mall submits expanded redevelopment proposal
- Belvedere board advances alternative plan for housing complex
- State accelerates plan to empty San Quentin’s death row
- Belvedere housing development revised after community input – Planning Commission considers it again on March 19
- A developer proposing a four-story, 117-apartment residential care center in Strawberry has taken another step forward in the process to launch his project.
- Libraries are a good place to narrow Marin’s digital divide
- Marin County extends incentives for ADU construction
Marin zoning changes could significantly increase housing density
Bill From Damon Connolly would boost housing-focused community land trusts
- San Quentin’s $240M Revamp to Focus on Rehabilitation, End Death Row in California
- Marin’s Spahr Center suspends operations
- Golden Gate Bridge district seeks feedback on toll increase proposals
- If done correctly, all can save on utility bills by creating income-based charges
- SF Yimby: Affordable Housing Approved For One Hamilton Drive
- Marin Voice: ‘Opportunity zones’ paving the way for displacement, not prosperity
- Sausalito waterfront eyed for 47 homes
- Tam Union trustees OK ethnic studies
- Marin racial equity team details $1.7M spending plan
- Marin marks Black History Month with historical exhibits, events
- Marin Housing Authority delays contractor’s deal amid complaints
- Belvedere council overrules board on disputed housing project
- Mill Valley commission begins rezoning for housing influx
- Marin supportive housing project earns $14M in state grants
- Dick Spotswood: Bay Area public transit agencies should be consolidated by mode
- Bay Area Voice: Don’t destroy historic Bay Area neighborhoods to solve housing crisis
- Tiburon diversity committee approves strategic plan
- Marin jurisdictions face rezoning deadline for housing edict
- Marin short-term rental ordinance heads to California Coastal Commission
- Newsom OK’d a minimum wage increase for health care workers. Now he wants to delay it
- Supreme Court will hear case about homeless encampments, with huge implications for California
- Spotswood: Don’t stress over CA, Marin County population declines
- Marin nonprofit report assesses housing bias in North Bay
- Marin property owners to get ADU planning aid
- Higher utility bills coming — again — after new PG&E rate request
- Marin County allots $3.65 million to aid Golden Gate Village
- Marin could see windfall from regional housing measure
- Marin Voice: West Marin vacation rentals are tied to funds promoting affordable housing
- Editorial: Food insecurity is a reality, even in ‘rich’ Marin
- Californians’ PG&E bills to rise nearly $400 a year in 2024
- Two Marin food bank pantries to close by 2025 due to funding cuts
- Spotswood: Marin’s ‘Housing First’ model needs an element of ‘housing now’
- Marin allocates $1M toward land trust for housing
- Marin County on track to streamline ADUs
- Marin Voice: Mill Valley’s 1 Hamilton would further fair housing commitment
- California legislature passes bills removing roadblocks for new housing
- Marin Voice: Apparent bias fuels East Mill Valley group’s housing lawsuit against city
- Marin Voice: Residents of Marin City continue to be left out of housing discussions
- Has Alameda’s new deal hacked the opposition to Bay Area housing construction?
- You can earn $100,000 a year in these Bay Area counties and still be ‘low-income’
- Marin Voice: Mill Valley needs affordable housing now, wherever it fits
- California has 11 of largest housing shortages in US, study says
- Editorial: In order for Marin to see how well they work, ADU hurdles must be cleared
- Helping San Quentin inmates get an education – and a future
- Marin projects allocated $2.53M in state budget
- Mill Valley to mandate quake retrofitting for some buildings
- Mill Valley developer seeks ‘builder’s remedy’ project in Fairfax
- Marin jurisdictions might alter inclusionary zoning housing policies
- Marin City’s historical legacy detailed in new book
- Marin Voice: Community schools offer strategy toward educational equity
- Marin developer files proposal for 110-apartment care center in Strawberry
- Marin County’s housing element rejected by state
- PG&E connection delays add to California’s housing woes, advocates say
- Marin’s mandated housing: Much planned, little ‘affordable’ Marin cities risk ‘builder’s remedy’ over housing plan delays
- California Voice: The next phase of housing reforms is climate-safe ownership
COVID-19 & Impacts
- Marin health leaders say COVID-19 helped fortify system
- Marin loosens COVID-19 quarantine restrictions
- Marin health officials report spread of JN.1 coronavirus variant
- Dick Spotswood: Marin should be removed from Bay Area transportation tax proposal
- Napa, Marin, Sonoma counties retain pandemic-era ‘parklets’ as permanent fixtures
- Spotswood: San Francisco commute numbers aren’t bouncing back so far
- San Rafael advances new outdoor dining regulations
- Spotswood: With some adjustments, dining parklets should be permanent
- San Rafael approves outdoor dining program
- Tiburon businesses seek downtown modifications
- Novato looks to allow more downtown parklets
- Tiburon takes deeper look at downtown street closure program
- IJ Columnist: Future Should Be About People, Not Cars
- Dick Spotswood: Voters just gave everyone at MMWD a clear message
- Fairfax approves fees for parklet program
- Marin group spawned from COVID mandates backs school board, municipal candidates
- Vicki Larson: We are living in the worst-case scenario
- Marin reckons with state law removing racial covenants
- Marin County struggling to recruit, retain employees
- Larkspur council to consider design standards for parklets
- How San Francisco North Bay restaurants are tackling inflation pressures
- Sausalito extends Caledonia Street outdoor dining program
Wildfires, Health & Climate Change
- Marin contestant inspires state bill to protect schools from wildfire
- MMWD explores projects to add storage capacity
- Marin Voice: Open Alto Tunnel to cyclists, pedestrians
- Marin agencies receive $4.26M to improve forest health
- Marin water managers gain edge in weather science
- California Voice: Cement could be part of the solution to carbon problem
- California lawmakers seek to short-circuit new income-based utility charges
- Marin water district partners with firefighters for land management
- Connolly bill proposes boost in residential solar incentives
- Marin Municipal Water District adopts five-year strategic plan
- Marin Municipal Water District’s 5-year plan on verge of approval
- Marin Municipal Water District reservoirs reach capacity amid storms
- Bay Area solar businesses struggle following state payment change
- MMWD looks to improve staff, customer experiences
- Marin Voice: In 2024, make sure you do enough to prepare for next big quake
- Marin watershed recreation management plan nears completion
- Marin Municipal Water District develops five-year strategic plan
- Editorial: Marin fire chief’s record speaks for itself
- Marin sea-level defense costs estimated at $17B
- ‘This is an outrage’: MMWD water bill surge stuns some ratepayers
- Marin Voice: We must approach recycled water solution with open mind
- Major insurance companies may pull out of all US states with high risks of storms, wildfires
- Highway 37 to become Bay Area’s newest toll road
- Marin County water rates to see huge jump under newly approved plan
- Parched California Misses a Chance to Store More Rain Underground
- Welcome to 21st century fire: You’re not safe
- Dick Spotswood: Bay Area needs large-scale solutions to sea level rise
- Dick Spotswood: Turning MMWD around will take years, but process is underway
- Marin utility eyes delay of ‘smart’ water meter expansion
- Marin Voice: Artificial turf athletic fields are not best answer
- California aims to lower fire insurance costs for homeowners
- Photos from the king tides show what permanent sea level rise could look like in San Francisco Bay Area by 2050
- Parched California Misses a Chance to Store More Rain Underground
- Marin County moving to require new construction be all-electric
- Editorial: It’s time for Caltrans to address Southern Marin flooding problem
- Marin Voice: Focus on climate solutions Marin can implement in the next 5 years