by mvchamber | Oct 18, 2021 | Art, Downtown Mill Valley, Housing, Kids, Shopping
Poet and/the Bench owners Jeffrey Levin and Bonnie Powers at their “Made with Love” mural. One of the resoundingly uplifting elements of the relentless COVID-19 pandemic has been the love and support we’ve provided one another through all the...
by mvchamber | Oct 11, 2021 | Diversity & Equity, Downtown Mill Valley, Housing, Outdoor Art Club
Dr. Elizabeth Horevitz Disproportionate. It is one of the words government and public health officials have used most when discussing the destructive impacts of the COVID-19 crisis over the past 18 months. Those discussions have been largely fueled by the long overdue...
by mvchamber | Sep 23, 2021 | City Council, City of Mill Valley, Diversity & Equity, Health & Wellness, Housing, Local Laws
1 Hamilton Drive, a proposed site for workforce housing. The Council delcared the portion of 1 Hamilton Drive shaded in blue exempt surplus land. Can the City of Mill Valley successfully create conditions to ensure that dozens of people who work in Mill Valley but...
by mvchamber | Sep 16, 2021 | City Council, City of Mill Valley, Diversity & Equity, Health & Wellness, Housing, Local Laws
1 Hamilton Drive, a proposed site for workforce housing. The portion of 1 Hamilton Drive shaded in blue is expected to be identified as exempt surplus land, a necessary legal step the City must take prior to entertaining proposals for the site. Nearly three months...
by mvchamber | Sep 15, 2021 | City Council, City of Mill Valley, Diversity & Equity, Housing, Local Laws
The City of Mill Valley kicked off the process earlier this month of creating a new Housing Element for years 2023-2031, a long-term, state-mandated deep dive into the future of housing in our community. It takes the next steps towards that effort on Sept. 23...
by mvchamber | Sep 14, 2021 | City Council, City of Mill Valley, Downtown Mill Valley, Emergency Preparedness, Housing
Alan Piombo & John McCauley The City of Mill Valley’s annual “State of the City” events typically last about an hour and serve two purposes: give City leaders a chance to update the community about the progress made during the past year, and to...