Mill Valley Music owner Gary Scheuenstuhl and his longtime Marinfidels bandmates are set to head north to Hopmonk Tavern Novato for a performance of their popular “The Beatles vs. the Rolling Stones” battle. The event is set for Wednesday, Nov. 27 at the...
In 2014, Abby Hill was in the midst of one heck of an organizational undertaking. During what little free time she had from her full-time job as a horse trainer and farrier, the daughter of the late Mill Valley photographer Suki Hill was holed up in her mom’s Edgewood...
On October 28 at 5pm, there will be a free musical celebration of life for Phil at the Throckmorton Theatre. Performers will be some of Phil’s fellow musicians from the SF Opera and Symphony. All are welcome. The family has asked that gifts and donations be made...
October Noon Concert features Violinist Jennifer Choi, cellist Angela Lee, and guitarist Marc Teicholz join who forces to play a delightfully varied and colorful program. The music ranges from Paganini to Piazzolla, Baroque to Balkan, light and humorous to darkly...
By Andrew Sheeler How happy are you, really? A committee of California lawmakers looked into the issue and released a report showing more Californians are unhappy, while happy Californians are more likely to be better off financially and live near the coast. The...
Sha Sha Higby”s metaphorically rich and intimate journey of elaborate multi-layered costume and projected micro puppetry is based on the symbolic plight of our skies and ourselves. Serene forests of animals and birds followed by a stylized battle of demons of fire in...