Millet Ave. street closure in 2021. In 2021, as City officials continued to navigate a seemingly endless series of forced closures and restrictions on how brick and mortar businesses and nonprofits could function amidst the pandemic, creativity and innovation became...
Clockwise from top left, Todd Morgan, Spike Sikes & His Awesome Hotcakes, Mari Mack & Livin Like Kings, Shana Morrison, Soji & the Afrobeat Band, Essence and The Jerry Hannan Band. Courtesy images. Come Sept. 10-11 (11am-7pm), the Depot Plaza’s going to be...
HELLO Modern Massage’s Kari Iverson in her new space at 507 Miller. Less than a year after Kari Iverson debuted her HELLO Modern Massage practice in downtown Mill Valley, the business continues to blossom, as she recently moved into a new, larger space that has...
Clockwise from top left, playwright Lauren Gunderson, Marin Theatre Company building, playwright August Wilson, students from Tam High School’s Conservatory Theatre Ensemble, playwright Brian Quijada, playwright David Greig and Arizona Theatre Company director Sean...
Chabad Mill Valley founders Rabbi Hillel and Chana Scop From arts organizations linking up for a joint performance or retailers linking arms to optimize a holiday shopping event, Mill Valley has long been a hub of collaboration. On Sept. 21, that tradition continues...
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