We’ve all spent the past several years putting our best foot forward, managing constant undulations, both personal and professional, all while facing forces – economic turbulence, ever-worsening climate change and a resounding hope that things will settle, over time,...
If you want to support this Enjoy Mill Valley Blog, including all of the News You Can Use below, you can make a tax-deductible donation of $75 or more to the Enjoy Mill Valley Fund, which supports shovel-ready beautification and infrastructure improvements throughout...
All this amazing late summer weather gives us the ability to stroll throughout the 94941, either before or after some retail therapy, and dive into some of the best restaurants in Mill Valley! The second annual Mill Valley Restaurant Rally returns this September with...
Humor is one of the most valuable and relatable skills humans possess, and if it is wielded with care, joy and unselfishness, it can be culture-defining. Phil Garratt, one of the Mill Valley Chamber’s 2024 Spirit of Marin nominees, would never cop to it or say it out...
Let’s start with the obvious: we profile Chamber Members and friends on the Enjoy Mill Valley Blog, our various social channels and just about everywhere we can leverage to highlight the amazing people who make the place in which we reside so creative,...