The Sweetwater Music Hall’s Transition to a 501(c)3 Is An Absolute Game Changer – to the Benefit of Other Nonprofits and our Broader Community!

The Sweetwater Music Hall’s Transition to a 501(c)3 Is An Absolute Game Changer – to the Benefit of Other Nonprofits and our Broader Community!

  The legendary Sweetwater Music Hall has legions of longtime followers. But even the diehards might not know how a massively impactful restructuring of the organization over the past year will not only lift up one of the best live music venues in the Bay Area, but...
Kid-Centric Shop Tantrum at MV Lumber Yard Turns One, Celebrates First Year, Touts Slim Chance Circus Performance & Free Popcorn – July 21st, 2-3pm

Kid-Centric Shop Tantrum at MV Lumber Yard Turns One, Celebrates First Year, Touts Slim Chance Circus Performance & Free Popcorn – July 21st, 2-3pm

Tantrum – the ultra-creative retail shop that moved into the Mill Valley Lumber Yard in October 2023 – is celebrating its first anniversary, and they’re doing so with plenty of fun, as usual. They’re bringing in a Slim Chance Circus performance, as well as...