Editorial: Bipartisan Duo Seeks to Address American Unhappiness by “Restoring the Common Good Initiative” and Exploring the Reasons Behind the Dissatisfaction

Editorial: Bipartisan Duo Seeks to Address American Unhappiness by “Restoring the Common Good Initiative” and Exploring the Reasons Behind the Dissatisfaction

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, writing on behalf of the Continental Congress, proclaimed that all people have an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These stand as guiding principles for our republic, shaping both...
The Still Collective, a Staging and Design Company Offering a ‘Soulful Nod to California Casual Living,’ Opens Their a Retail Store This Week at the Iconic MV Lumber Yard – Thursday, June 20, 4pm

The Still Collective, a Staging and Design Company Offering a ‘Soulful Nod to California Casual Living,’ Opens Their a Retail Store This Week at the Iconic MV Lumber Yard – Thursday, June 20, 4pm

Lori Sperling, the founder and creator of the Still Collective, a San Anselmo-based staging and design company that offers a “soulful nod to California casual living,” is opening a retail shop this week within the iconic Mill Valley Lumber Yard. Sperling...
“It’s Just Hard to Get Hit With”: Council Unanimously Approves a Waste Collection Hike of 8.26%, Among the Highest in Southern Marin

“It’s Just Hard to Get Hit With”: Council Unanimously Approves a Waste Collection Hike of 8.26%, Among the Highest in Southern Marin

Residents in southern Marin County will see their waste collection fees increase this summer. The Mill Valley City Council unanimously approved a rate increase of 8.26% from Mill Valley Refuse Service for its waste and recycling services at its June 3 meeting. The...
Luke Barnesmoore of Home Match: Older Adult Homelessness and the Need for a County Homelessness Prevention Strategy

Luke Barnesmoore of Home Match: Older Adult Homelessness and the Need for a County Homelessness Prevention Strategy

By Luke Barnesmoore In California, older adults are now the fastest-growing demographic facing first-time homelessness. Shockingly, 48% of the unhoused population in California is over 50, with 41% experiencing homelessness for the first time after reaching this age...
Free Westminster Events Panel on Affordable Housing in Marin Featured a Trio Who Wants You to Learn to Love and Support Housing Density for the Long-Term Benefit of our Community

Free Westminster Events Panel on Affordable Housing in Marin Featured a Trio Who Wants You to Learn to Love and Support Housing Density for the Long-Term Benefit of our Community

You have (hopefully) heard by now that Marin is in the midst of a housing crisis, and that if we don’t address it head on, we may ultimately lose the local control we have over where new housing appears within our community. There have been no shortage of...