Editorial: Bipartisan Duo Seeks to Address American Unhappiness by “Restoring the Common Good Initiative” and Exploring the Reasons Behind the Dissatisfaction

Editorial: Bipartisan Duo Seeks to Address American Unhappiness by “Restoring the Common Good Initiative” and Exploring the Reasons Behind the Dissatisfaction

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, writing on behalf of the Continental Congress, proclaimed that all people have an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These stand as guiding principles for our republic, shaping both...
Mill Valley City Council Once Again Toasts ‘The Best of Us,’ This Time Honoring the Remarkable Contributions of the Force of Nature That Is Hugh Kuhn

Mill Valley City Council Once Again Toasts ‘The Best of Us,’ This Time Honoring the Remarkable Contributions of the Force of Nature That Is Hugh Kuhn

The City of Mill Valley has made a point in recent years of highlighting some of the legions of local volunteers that have made an ongoing positive impact to the community. In recent months, longtime Mill Valley resident Joan Murray was honored by the City Council for...
On the Heels of an Impactful, Festive Juneteenth at Tam High With MV Rec and Hip Hop for Change, Let’s Celebrate This Treasured Holiday More Broadly Today!

On the Heels of an Impactful, Festive Juneteenth at Tam High With MV Rec and Hip Hop for Change, Let’s Celebrate This Treasured Holiday More Broadly Today!

Juneteeth, the nation’s 12th national holiday that is ​officially recognized on June 19th as the oldest celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States, draws a great deal of justifiable, ever-growing attention, and 2024 is no different. The...
Curated News You Can Use, From Mill Valley & Beyond – Week of June 17

Curated News You Can Use, From Mill Valley & Beyond – Week of June 17

If you want to support this Enjoy Mill Valley Blog, including all of the News You Can Use below, you can make a tax-deductible donation of $75 or more to the Enjoy Mill Valley Fund, which supports shovel-ready beautification and infrastructure improvements throughout...
Curated News You Can Use, From Mill Valley & Beyond – Week of June 17

Curated News You Can Use, From Mill Valley & Beyond – Week of June 10

If you want to support this Enjoy Mill Valley Blog, including all of the News You Can Use below, you can make a tax-deductible donation of $75 or more to the Enjoy Mill Valley Fund, which supports shovel-ready beautification and infrastructure improvements throughout...
MV Free, Hip Hop for Change & MV Recreation Take Juneteenth to Another Level With Food, Festivities, Live Music Basketball & Plenty of Fun – June 15, 11am-3pm @ Tam High

MV Free, Hip Hop for Change & MV Recreation Take Juneteenth to Another Level With Food, Festivities, Live Music Basketball & Plenty of Fun – June 15, 11am-3pm @ Tam High

Juneteeth, the nation’s 12th national holiday that is ​officially recognized on June 19th as the oldest celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States, draws a great deal of justifiable, ever-growing attention, and 2024 is no different. The...