2022-23 EMV Guide: 2022-23 Calendar

2022-23 EMV Guide: 2022-23 Calendar

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Linda Colnett Brings Her ‘Magical Mystical Trees’ to MV Chamber in August – First Tuesday Artwalk is Aug. 2nd

Linda Colnett Brings Her ‘Magical Mystical Trees’ to MV Chamber in August – First Tuesday Artwalk is Aug. 2nd

Artist Linda Colnett and some of her work that will be on the walls of the Mill Valley Chamber in August. Born in Texas, after a career in the advertising and public relations industry, Linda Colnett began her art career in the 1980s, showcasing her work extensively...
Arts Commission’s ‘Rotating Art in the Depot Plaza’ Returns With Kandi Cota’s ‘All Roads Lead to the Depot’

Arts Commission’s ‘Rotating Art in the Depot Plaza’ Returns With Kandi Cota’s ‘All Roads Lead to the Depot’

Kandi Cota’s “All Roads Lead to the Depot” debuts on the Depot building at Miller Avenue as part of the Arts Commission’s “Rotating Art in the Depot Plaza.” As we’ve been chronicling for the past couple of years, Mill Valley is having a...
Gordon Studer to Showcase Earthy Abstracts at MV Chamber in June – First Tuesday Artwalk is June 7th

Gordon Studer to Showcase Earthy Abstracts at MV Chamber in June – First Tuesday Artwalk is June 7th

Gordon Studer’s earthy, confident abstracts are taking over the Mill Valley Chamber’s space at 85 Throckmorton Ave. in June, including a reception on Tuesday, June 7th as part of the Mill Valley Arts Commission’s First Tuesday Artwalk (5:30-7:30pm)....
Support Downtown & Miller Ave. Businesses Amidst Blithedale Project!

Support Downtown & Miller Ave. Businesses Amidst Blithedale Project!

For the past six weeks – and for many more to come – the City of Mill Valley is in the midst of a long-planned overhaul of East Blithedale Avenue, one of the two main arteries in town. The project features a ton of vital improvements, including rehabilitating pavement...