by mvchamber | Sep 8, 2022 | Arts & Entertainment, Depot Plaza, Downtown Mill Valley, Food & Drink, Health & Wellness, Kiddo!, Kids, Live Music, Mill Valley Market, Miller Avenue, Parks & Recreation, Philanthropy, Public Restrooms, Restaurants, Shopping
One of Mill Valley’s most exciting stretches in the calendar is upon us, with an amazing Concerts on the Plaza in the rearview mirror and Movies in the Park (Spider-Man: No Way Home 9/16 & Aladdin Oct. 14), Fall Arts Fest (Sept. 17-18), Mill Valley Film...
by mvchamber | Sep 7, 2022 | Downtown Mill Valley, Food & Drink, Health & Wellness, Mill Valley Market, Shopping
In 2020, the Mill Valley City Council signed off on a $2 million overhaul of downtown sewers, sidewalks, storm drains and streets. The project has been rolled out in phases, including the creation of safer crosswalks and ADA ramp overhauls that...