City Offers Free Parking During Closure along East Blithedale and in the Depot Plaza Parking lot.

Wednesday 6/14/2022 (8:00AM to 5:00PM) and Thursday 6/15/2022 (8:00AM to 4:00PM)
According to City of Mill Valley officials, Argonaut Constructors will be grinding and overlaying, i.e., fully repaving, Sunnyside Ave from East Blithedale Avenue to Miller Avenue on June 14-15. The work, which runs Wednesday (8am-5pm) and Thursday (8am-4pm), requires a full roadway closure and traffic detour. Dust and noise impact is expected from the grinding operation and will be mitigated using water trucks.
Pedestrian and delivery truck access will be maintained on Sunnyside Avenue during construction. To prepare for the pavement overlay, the contractor will be lowering the utility covers in the pavement area on Tuesday 6/13 which will require lane closure.
In an effort to support downtown businesses, there will be free parking during the roadway closures along East Blithedale (Throckmorton to Forrest St) and at the Depot Plaza parking lot.