By Andrew Sheeler How happy are you, really? A committee of California lawmakers looked into the issue and released a report showing more Californians are unhappy, while happy Californians are more likely to be better off financially and live near the coast. The...
Amidst all the excitement that fall in Mill Valley offers, on Sunday, September 29th from 1-5:30pm in the Depot Plaza parking marks the return of the Mill Valley Community Block Party, Larry the Hat’s free (donations accepted) gathering to raise funds for Kiddo! Matt...
Mill Valley Parks & Recreation and the Mill Valley Community Center have been a juggernaut for decades, with a history that includes a former roadside cafeteria and a longstanding dedication to leveraging public and private funding to move the needle in a positive...
We’ve all spent the past several years putting our best foot forward, managing constant undulations, both personal and professional, all while facing forces – economic turbulence, ever-worsening climate change, and a resounding hope that things will settle, over time,...
If you aren’t already a supporter of the Mill Valley Friends of Parks and Recreation, don’t miss this opportunity to become one now! “Join us at the iconic Sweetwater for music, fun, drinks, appetizers, as well as meeting new Friends, on Thursday, September 26th...
The 94941 is chock full of incredible live music all year long – it’s built into the fabric of who we are as a community. That fabric includes major live music festivals like the incredible Mill Valley Music Fest, Sound Summit, one of the biggest and most...