by mvchamber | Nov 25, 2023 | Art, Arts & Entertainment, City Council, City of Mill Valley, Depot Plaza, Downtown Mill Valley, Food & Drink, Health & Wellness, Live Music, Restaurants, Sweetwater Music Hall
In the end, the fate of the membership-based Treehouse project proposed by a group including the founders of Marine Layer came down to a few checks and balances: some simple, firm, requirements of in-kind and needs-based memberships and some specific conditions of...
by mvchamber | Nov 8, 2023 | Food & Drink, Health & Wellness, Restaurants, a food, travel and lifestyle brand sharing news and reviews on restaurants, products, travel and local happenings and founded in 2014 by Areta Wong, has trained its foodie eye on the incredibly delicious Le Marais Bakery at 250 East Blithedale. The...
by mvchamber | Nov 2, 2023 | Art, Arts & Entertainment, City Council, City of Mill Valley, Depot Plaza, Downtown Mill Valley, Food & Drink, Health & Wellness, Live Music, Restaurants, Sweetwater Music Hall
Former Mill Valley City Councilman Ken Wachtel has filed a notice of appeal of the Planning Commission’s unanimous approval last month of Treehouse MV, the membership club proposed by a group including the founders of casual apparel brand Marine Layer who sought...
by mvchamber | Oct 25, 2023 | Art, Arts & Entertainment, City Council, City of Mill Valley, Depot Plaza, Downtown Mill Valley, Food & Drink, Health & Wellness, Live Music, Restaurants, Sweetwater Music Hall
In a packed Mill Valley City Hall Tuesday evening full of supporters and opponents of the Treehouse membership club proposed by a group including the founders of casual apparel brand Marine Layer, there were no shortage of opponents and supporters on future plans of...
by mvchamber | Oct 18, 2023 | Art, Arts & Entertainment, City Council, City of Mill Valley, Depot Plaza, Downtown Mill Valley, Food & Drink, Health & Wellness, Live Music, Restaurants, Sweetwater Music Hall
Dear Esteemed Members of the Mill Valley Planning Commission: The Chamber of Commerce urges you to give serious and positive consideration to the application pending before you to transform the long vacant Bank of America building into the “Treehouse,” as envisioned...