The Florestan Trio: Janet Guggenheim on Piano, Carol Sindell on Violin and Hamilton Cheifetz on Cello. The renowned Throckmorton Theatre revived its longstanding Noon Concert Series in the spring and is now in the midst of “The Twilight Series,” which...
Vitamin Em features Emily Onderdonk (Violin); Evan Price (Fiddle); Michael Graham (Cello); andMatthew Szemela (Violin). The renowned Throckmorton Theatre has revived its longstanding Noon Concert Series in recent months, and for its next concert on Wednesday, April...
Award-winning composer, producer, educator and musician Richard Howell brings his multi-generational jazz ensemble Sudden Changes, which has roots in revival meetings that summon positive energy and compassion for coexistence through the frequency of love, to the...
Throckmorton Theatre Development Director Lou Dockstader and scenes from the venue. The Great Resignation – that is, the movement among employees resigning from their jobs en masse, triggering massive staffing shortages – has been one of the central stories of...