Clockwise from top left, Tiffany Shlain, Tom Singer, Ute Goggins, Tim Ryan and Suzanne Ciani. All photos by Daniel Patrick.
After a hiatus of three years due to the pandemic, The Milley Awards for Creative Achievement are back!
The in-person annual gala returns to the Mill Valley Community Center on Sunday, October 22 at 5pm to honor those who have distinguished themselves in their creative field, and/or who have contributed to the creative life of the Mill Valley community. Nominations were open for several months and honorees have been named. See honorees at left.
In the category of Performance, Mill Valley resident Tiffany Shlain is a filmmaker, public speaker, writer, and founder of The Webby Awards, established in 1996, a global organization that recognizes the best of the Internet. She is also the co-founder of the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. Her films have been honored with over 80 awards and distinctions, including an Emmy nomination and a Disruptive Innovation Award from The Tribeca Film Festival.
In the category of Literary Arts, Dr. Thomas Singer is a prolific writer and editor, physician and psychiatrist. His special area of interest is the psychology of Carl Jung. He has published many articles and essays as well as 12 books, including Psyche and the City and Who’s the Patient Here? A major part of Dr. Singer’s contribution has been through his analysis of visual arts, images and their explanation of the forces at work in individuals and groups.
In the category of Visual Arts, Ute Goggins, in the 56 years that she has lived in Mill Valley, has contributed in countless ways to our community’s rich culture. As a working water colorist, printmaker and inspiring art teacher at Old Mill, Mill Valley Middle, and San Domenico schools, she has encouraged countless children and youths to express themselves creatively and grow up appreciating and supporting the arts.
In the category of Musical Arts, electronic music pioneer Suzanne Ciani created a huge impact on the music, film and advertising industry over 40 years ago. Today, she continues to create mesmerizing soundscapes using a Buchla synthesizer. A five-time Grammy Award-nominated composer and neo-classical pianist, with 16 solo albums of original music to her credit, Suzanne created the Coca-Cola pop! sound, and was the first female solo composer of a major Hollywood film (“The Incredible Shrinking Lady”).
In the category of Creative Contributions to the Community Tim Ryan‘s projects using scrap, recyclables and found materials involve countless members of the community whom he invites to participate with him. In Homestead Valley, his “Fork in the Road,” a giant metal fork, invited folks to consider the forks in their own life roads. During the pandemic, his “Hearts” and “Wings” projects made it possible for people to work simultaneously on a project without being physically together, bringing joy and light in difficult times.