MV Library FoundationThe Mill Valley Library Foundation has long established itself as a powerhouse organization in support of one of Mill Valley’s treasures: the Mill Valley Public Library. It has done so in myriad ways, from its establishment of a multi-million-dollar endowment and a Legacy Giving program to creative events that celebrate literature for all ages like the Beyond the Book Bash and the Storybook Ball.

“This month, the Mill Valley Library Foundation will deliver its 2023 annual grant of $100,000 to the Mill Valley Public Library, bringing the total amount of grants to the Library since 2011 to $1,022,000!” says Board President Deborah Sarondo. ” We are excited to reach this milestone – which was achieved thanks to YOU, our generous donors and supporters! 

“And due to the generous support of our giving community, and the growth of our endowment, we look forward to making even larger annual grants to the Library in the future,” she added.

Gifts to the Mill Valley Library Foundation help grow its endowment, ensuring stable, perpetual and dependable financial support to the Mill Valley Public Library in the form of annual grants from the endowment’s earnings. These grants provide funding for the Library’s free, award-winning programming, expanded digital content, access to technology and other library services, beyond what the City budget is able to provide. You can learn more about the Foundation’s history of grants to the Library here.


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