Desta Gallery, which Emebet Korn relocated from San Anselmo to downtown Mill Valley in late 2020, continues to showcase gorgeous art in her gallery at 100 Throckmorton Ave., all while working with her fellow gallery owners at Seager/Gray Gallery, Kim Eagles-Smith Gallery and Robert Green Fine Arts to launch the Mill Valley Art Dealers Association and raise our community’s profile as an arts destination.
Korn’s latest exhibit, “Abstraction & Figuration in Dialogue,” is a group exhibition featuring works by Jane Burton, Robert Cantor, Katheryn Holt, Carolyn Meyer, Silvia Poloto, & Sandra Speidel, on view through December 1. A reception for the artists is set for Saturday, October 22, from 4 pm to 6 pm. The artists’ talks start at 4:30 pm.
Korn was born in Ethiopia, and Desta Gallery draws its moniker from the Amharic language’s word for joy. Korn opened in Mill Valley because she was drawn to the 94941’s current and historic arts-centric culture, from the First Tuesday Artwalk and the already great galleries here to the fall arts and film festivals.