Emebet Korn’s Desta Gallery continues its dedication to showcasing gorgeous art at her gallery at 100 Throckmorton Avenue. 

On Dec. 1, Korn, is set to unveil Elemental, an exhibition of new paintings by Sheryl Daane Chesnut and Isabelle Maynard and ceramics by Karyn Gabriel.

“Join us for the opening reception on Friday, December 1, 5-7pm,” says Korn. “The exhibition will be on view through December 30. We invite you to enjoy the latest work by Sheryl Daane Chesnut and Isabelle Maynard, along with the debut of Karyn Gabriel and her work, at Desta Gallery. While their work encompasses an interplay between atmospheric nuances and structural forms, it also shares a unifying thread of harmonious organic esthetic.”

Sheryl Daane Chesnut finds inspiration in nature’s beauty, from its intricate details to satellite vistas. She explores the ordered chaos within natural processes, such as fractal patterns seen in ocean waves, snowflakes, crystals, algae, and river networks. These qualities infuse her painting, shaping her creative vision.

Sheryl approaches her work with an experimental spirit, masterfully using a diverse array of organic and inorganic materials. Her artistic palette includes salts, minerals, earth pigments, metals, solvents, polymers, and ink. She harmoniously combines these elements on her canvas, revealing the intricate and multifaceted beauty of the world around us.

Isabelle Maynard finds joy in immersing herself in the beauty of both bustling cities and the tranquility of nature. These diverse environments serve her as a rich source of inspiration. This varied range of experiences allows her a vast spectrum of emotions to convey through her art. 

In her latest series of work, Isabelle skillfully captures the essence and sensations of her native land in the south of France and her second home in California. Through her paintings, she creates dreamlike, ethereal, and atmospheric scenes that are contemplative. Each painting serves as a portal to a meditative space and imparts a profound sense of place, evoking the scents, textures, and emotions of these two cherished lands.

Karyn Gabriel draws upon her extensive design background to create work that delves into the realms of structural experimentation, exploring themes of both resilience and delicacy. Her work possesses a subtle yet intricate quality, urging viewers to take a moment to immerse themselves in the intricate details.

In her artistic expression, Karyn utilizes repetition as a powerful building block, investigating the themes of fragility, strength, and tension by harnessing modularity and meticulous construction, resulting in a rich interplay of texture and pattern emerging organically. Nothing within her works is extraneous, allowing the materials and compositions to ascend to the forefront and eloquently convey their intrinsic essence.

About Desta Gallery: Desta Gallery is a contemporary art gallery located in Mill Valley, California. The  gallery exhibits a diverse range of artwork by emerging and established artists. The gallery’s exhibitions  and programming are specifically designed to cultivate meaningful connections among artists, collectors,  art enthusiasts, and the community at large.


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