On January 14, 2025, visitors to the City of Mill Valley’s website found it has moved to a new address, with all services now located at www.cityofmillvalley.gov. The previous address, www.cityofmillvalley.org, will still direct users to the City’s website during the transition, and all services available to users online will remain unchanged. The new domain is part of a long-range initiative to increase security and counter disinformation.
“Switching to a .gov domain reassures the public that the information on our website is official and trustworthy,” said City Manager Todd Cusimano. “It also helps us work more smoothly with our federal partners and strengthens our efforts to combat disinformation.”
Registering as a .gov domain requires an entity to submit evidence to the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) that they are truly registering on behalf of legitimate local, county, or state governments. The new .gov domain also makes it more difficult for malicious actors and scammers to co-opt government websites. Using less secure domains such as .com or .org allows cybercriminals and malicious actors to more easily impersonate government officials in attempts to defraud the public.
Community members and others interacting with City staff did not experience any impact from this transition.