With nearly 140 artists scattered and thousands of patrons scattered throughout the massive, gorgeous redwood grove at Old Mill Park, the Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival, set for Sept. 17-18, is a massive undertaking.
MVFAF Volunteer Coordinator Phil Garratt is charged with lining up a massive cohort of volunteers to make the event happen smoothly, safely and with a focus on celebrating art amidst nature.
All volunteers get free admission, free t-shirt and snacks and the opportunity to spend their non-shift hours enjoying the art, music, food/drinks and redwoods.
“I am looking forward especially to seeing old and new faces in September in the Park,” he says. “In exchange for your time, energy and smiles, you will receive free admission, a cool t-shirt, free water and free snacks. Plus the priceless benefit of making this extraordinary event in the majestic redwoods that much more special for everyone.”
Go to mvfaf.org and scroll down to the button marked “volunteers.” That takes you straight to the sign-up page where you will see job descriptions and shifts. You can register immediately. Sign up ASAP!
“We live in an amazing place,” Garratt says. “The festival is arguably the finest representation of all things Mill Valley. I am immensely proud to be part of the festival team and I know you all are as well. Please jump on board right now and let’s get the crew in place in record time.”