
Photo by Jim Welte.

From the Mill Valley Fire Department:

Mill Valley will receive two strong storms in the next few days that will bring high winds with moderate to heavy rains at times.  For the first storm on Wednesday, estimates are that we will receive from a half inch of rain up to a few inches in the hills along with high winds.  The second storm, which should be here on Friday, has the potential to be rainier and more powerful than the first.  There is a chance we can see wind gusts as high as 50 mph.  Tides will be on the higher end starting Wednesday. 

Is your business prepared? We encourage all business owners to start planning now:

1. Review Emergency Communications with Staff: Set up a telephone calling tree or email alert to communicate with employees, designate an out-of-town phone number for employees to call, give employees wallet-cards with important phone numbers.

2. Gather Emergency Supplies: Have First Aid supplies,  water, food, flashlights, a battery operated radio , extra batteries, first aid kit, and other supplies essential in an emergency on-hand. Encourage employees to pack a personal “Go Bag” with emergency items such as a change of clothes and medications.

3. Stock up on Sandbags: We urge residents to initiate their winter preparedness measures early in the season by seeking sand and sandbags should they need them. Sand and bags can be purchased at local hardware stores. Residents or business owners may also pick up sand bags at the Fire Stations at 1 Hamilton Ave. and 26 Corte Madera Ave. There is a limit of ten sandbags per household or business. Sand is available during the rainy season to City residents and businesses at the following locations:

  • Hauke Park parking lot
  • Thalia parking lot at Boyle Park
  • Parking area on Molino Ave., behind Old Mill Park (approx 100′ yds east of Molino/Cascade Way)

4. Prepare for Power Outages: Have battery-operated radios with fresh batteries ready for updates on storm conditions and power outages. Have battery-operated flashlights with extra batteries on hand. PG&E recommends that customers do not use candles because of the risk of fire. If you must use candles, extreme caution is urged. Do not use candles near drapes or under lampshades. If you have a stand-by generator, inform PG&E and make sure that it’s installed safely. If it’s not, you risk damaging your property and endangering PG&E line workers who may be working on power lines some distance from your home. Information on the safe installation of generators can be found on the PG&E website at www.pge.com/generator.  If your power goes out, unplug or turn off all electric appliances, including computers and printers. Otherwise, when power is restored, several appliances may come back on at once and overload your circuits or hot appliances may come on while you’re away or asleep and pose a fire hazard. Leave a single lamp on to alert you when power returns. Turn your appliances back on one at a time when conditions return to normal.

5. Drive with Caution: When driving in the rain, use extra caution and always have your headlights on. Remember, if you turn on your windshield wipers, turn on your headlights. Please obey the speed limits and follow other traffic at a safe distance.

If you have questions or comments please call Department of Public Works at 388-4033 or the Fire Department at 389-4130. Click here for more information: https://www.cityofmillvalley.org/Index.aspx?page=1436