Check. And check.
As the Red-Tailed Hawks head into their season opener this Saturday (Aug. 18) by hosting St. Mary’s, they do so in tip-top shape, both mentally and physically.
“What coach does a lot is he pushes your body but he also pushes your mind because he’s always talking about mental toughness,” junior running back Crewe Hutson told the Marin Independent Journal. “You’re not going to be successful in football, or life, without mental toughness. It’s a grind.”
The Hawks return most of their key players from last season, allowing LemMon to organize an outing to address his second major priority of being active servants and role models in the community. The team volunteered with the City of Mill Valley to remove two dump trucks worth of fallen debris behind the O’Hanlon Center for the Arts in Cascade Canyon over the summer, making an historic space safer for patrons and neighbors alike and opening up an undeveloped pathway connecting Lovell Ave to Throckmorton called Steps, Lanes and Paths 159.
“This is the second year that Coach Matt has volunteered his team to help the City with an important improvement project,” says City of Mill Valley Volunteer Coordinator Ronnie Moore. “He believes in giving back to the Community, which is one of the most important lessons we can teach teenagers.”
City officials stressed that with fire season in full swing, it is very important to provide a fire barrier around structures. The O’Hanlon Center, located one-mile from downtown Mill Valley on Throckmorton Ave., is on several heavily-wooded acres. It was founded by Richard and Ann O’Hanlon in 1969 and fosters the creative spirit between art and nature.
MORE INFO on adopting an SLP or Volunteer.
MORE INFO on the Tam High football team.