After a hiatus of three years due to the pandemic, The Milley Awards for Creative Achievement are returning with both zest and zeal, honoring five distinguished creatives as well as two longtime legends who have passed away recently. The in-person annual gala returns...
Mill Valley’s Milley Awards on October 22 will be the first without the creator of the Milley bronze statuette, sculptor John Libberton, who passed away in 2022 at the age of 96. He will be fondly remembered. In 1994, the Sausalito sculptor entered a competition for...
After a hiatus of three years due to the pandemic, The Milley Awards for Creative Achievement are back! The in-person annual gala returns to the Mill Valley Community Center on Sunday, October 22 at 5pm to honor those who have distinguished themselves in their...
After a hiatus of three years due to the pandemic, The Milley Awards for Creative Achievement are back! The in-person annual gala returns to the Mill Valley Community Center on Sunday, October 22 at 5pm to honor those who have distinguished themselves in their...