PictureCeramic Sculptor and Painter Zwanda Cook, Executive Director Oshalla Diana Marcus and Painter Orin Carpenter in front of the MC Arts Gallery. Courtesy image.

On Tuesday, June 23, Erma Murphy and Ellen Mattesi, co-directors of the O’Hanlon Center for the Arts their first ever Zoom conversation with another local arts organization.  

“Join in and discover what the newly formed Marin City Arts and Culture is doing to promote and support their artists, and meet the organization’s executive director Oshalla Diana Marcus and four of the organizations working artists,” Murphy says.

MC Arts and Culture is a membership-based group of black artists in various disciplines, including art, music, theater, dance and literary arts devoted to preserving African American cultural art forms; inspiring, mentoring and supporting new artists, and making others aware of the wealth of creativity arising from the county’s black community.    

The artists on the call will Include:
Zwanda Cook –  Ceramic Sculptor and Painter
Lumumba Edwards – Painter
Malaak Atkins – Mixed Media Artist
Orin Carpenter – Painter

The conversation is set for Tuesday, June 23 at 5pm via Zoom. GO HERE TO ACCESS THE EVENT.


Participants are encouraged to join in the two-part Juneteenth Virtual Event: Friday June 19 and Saturday, June 27 from 10am to 10pm. MORE INFO HERE.

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