Instead of the usual Bunny Breakfast followed by the annual Egg Hunt on Friends Field, MV Rec officials are going virtual with the event, placing “virtual eggs” around the Mill Valley Recreation website, including 1 GOLDEN EGG. Children are invited to click through the various pages on the site to see how many eggs they can find. The Virtual Egg Hunt runs from April 1-12.
Once you’ve finished your virtual egg hunt, email Mill Valley Recreation at Send THEM the egg hunter’s name and the number of eggs found. Egg hunters will be featured on the Mill Valley Recreation website. Send in a photo of the egg hunters if you’d like to be included in some fun social media posts.
The first five egg hunters to find all of the eggs (hunters must include the words written on the Golden Egg in their email) will be named Super Egg Hunters. The eggs on this page count too!
There’s a Spring Word Hunt, and you can download and decorate Spring Coloring Pages, cut them out and put them in your windows. Tag them on Instagram @millvalleyrecreation and use the hashtag #MVHealthyFUN.