
If you live in Mill Valley and ever leave your house, chances are pretty good that you interact in some way with the vast array of programs, parks, landmarks and open spaces that fall under the umbrella Mill Valley Parks and Recreation programs.

From soccer, baseball, lacrosse and football teams playing on sports fields and residents of all ages using the community center pool and fitness center to vital community gathering points like Downtown Plaza and the community gardens, the presence of parks and recreation is ubiquitous.

With that in mind, the Mill Valley Friends of Parks and Recreation works with the city to ensure that Mill Valley’s fields, recreation programs and facilities continue to be a first-class experience. Recent projects include supporting the new community garden, refurbishing the Gravity Car and upgrading equipment in the Community Center fitness room.  Moving forward, priorities include renovating the skate park and ensuring that our sports fields continue to receive the maintenance that they need.

In an effort to raise money towards that mission, the organization is hosting a fundraiser at the Sweetwater Music Hall on on Thursday, November 2 (6:30-11pm). The event features appetizers, drinks and dancing to 70s rock hits by Mustache Harbor.  100% of funds raised will go towards Parks and Recreation projects. The Mill Valley Soccer Club and the Southern Marin Lacrosse Club are sponsoring the event.

The 411: Tickets are $100 and can be purchased online here.

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