She’s doing so again in August, showcasing her canine-themed artwork at the Creekside Pizza and Taproom throughout August, with 15 percent of proceeds from the sale of her art going to Muttville, which seeks to change the way the world thinks about and treats older dogs and to create better lives for them through rescue, foster, adoption and hospice. An opening reception is set for Thursday, Aug. 8 (5-8pm) at Creekside.
The 411: Mill Valley artist Leslie Lakes, founder of the nonprofit organization P.A.T.H.: Prison Arts Touching Hearts, is showcasing her canine-themed artwork at the Creekside Pizza and Taproom throughout August, with 15 percent of proceeds from the sale of her art going to Muttville. An opening reception is set for Thursday, Aug. 8 (5-8pm) at Creekside.