Murphy Productions, the acclaimed firm Daniel Patrick and Erma Murphy, has been hosting Sunday Salons – potluck-style meals that have attendees performing music, poetry, dance, storytelling and much more – for many years. The COVID-19 crisis has certainly put a damper on in-person event over the past 17 months, but the duo continues to march on.
On Sunday, Aug. 29 (6-8pm), they’re hosting a Sunday Salon entirely focused on ‘Celebrating Women.’ The events have usually been set at the O’Hanlon Center for the Arts, where Murphy is executive director. But due to the delate variant surge, then event is now being held at the Amphotheatre in Old Mill Park behind the Mill Valley Public Library, 375 Throckmorton Avenue.
As you can see in the image at left, there’s no shortage of amazing women in Mill Valley to celebrate. The salon’s all-female lineup will feature poets, musicians, actors, and artists.