Mt. Tam Methodist ChurchIn addition to being home to the best marquee in town, Mt. Tamalpais United Methodist Church continues to make sure that its community is informed and able to attend the various masses, services and programs associated with Holy Week.

To that end, here are the services between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday:

Holy Week Schedule

April 2, Palm Sunday – 10:30AM.  An interactive and intergenerational worship service that will include a few unexpected surprises. Nursery care available for those under 4 years old.

April 6, Maundy Thursday – 7PM. Readings, Meditation & Holy Communion.

April 7, Good Friday – 2-6PM. Our sanctuary will be open for silent prayer & meditation.

April 9, Easter Sunday – 10:30AM. Festival of Easter & Children’s Easter Egg Hunt following the service. Nursery care available for those under 4 years old.


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