The Halloween-themed show is a production of Mill Valley-based Murphy Productions and downtown clothing shop Famous4, as well as the JCC’s Kanbar Center for the Arts. The event centers on “a full blown costume party.”
“The Tubes will go down in the rock history books as one of the most exciting, in-your-face, tight-knit group of musicians who epitomized the hilarity of popular American culture by making it into a the ultimate rock’n’roll extravaganza,” according to the band’s bio.
The band was one of the pioneers of the rock music video years before MTV became a household name, and used the medium in their early performances. The band tapped into the American zeitgeist and ridiculed its materialistic values, and superficial advertising methods, and took a poke at religious fundamentalists and often questioned sexual taboos. “They took popular culture by the scruff of the neck, turned it upside down, and made it into entertainment,” the bio added.
The 411: The Tubes perform at the Osher Marin Jewish Community Center at 8pm on October 29. Tix are $35 general admission and $50 for a reserved seat at a table. MORE INFO & TIX. Here’s the Tubes’ rendition of their classic “White Punks on Dope” from September 2016: