
Some of the artwork featured in Mill Valley Recreation and the Arts Commission’s inaugural reCYCLE Outdoor Public Art Contest. Courtesy images.

Artists used recycled bicycle wheels to create an array of work for the City’s inaugural recycle Outdoor Public Art contest.


Mill Valley Recreation and the Mill Valley Arts Commission are ready to celebrate three of Mill Valley’s favorite things: bicycling, art and recycling.

At a ceremony at the Community Center and Friends Field on Tuesday, August 4th at 6pm as part of the Commission’s First Tuesday Artwalk, the City is set to unveil the bike wheel-centric kinetic artwork featured in its inaugural reCYCLE Outdoor Public Art Contest. The artwork will be laid out along the Friends Field fence, adjacent to the cyclist-laden Mill Valley-Sausalito Multi-Use Path.

The contest, inspired by a similar project Arts Commissioner Teresa Rea first spotted at Pioneer Park in Seattle, kicked off in April with artists picking up their recycled bicycle wheels and learning the contest’s parameters. They then set out to create their own distinctive artistic interpretations.

“The concept evokes the enthusiasm of our many local bicyclists, young and old,” Rea says. “It also reflects our socially responsible community’s support for recycling.”

Organizers gathered bike wheels that were headed for scrap metal bins from local bike shops that collected used wheels for the contest, re-purposing them as the core element of the public artwork.

Recreation Director Jenny Rogers says the project has already been a big success in terms of artist and community participation. “We look forward to future partnerships with the Arts Commission, (and our generous local sponsors) in bringing exciting and innovative art events, activities and installations to the local community we love!”

The 411: The artwork from the reCYCLE Outdoor Public Art Contest will be unveiled on Tuesday, August 4 at the Mill Valley Community Center and Friends Field, 180 Camino Alto, at 6pm.

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