Mill Valley’s independent record store is readying a three day end-of-year sale for Dec. 29-31, with 20 percent off all new records and 30 percent off anything used. He’s also got Mill Valley Music t-shirts and hoodies in both SF Giants and Golden State Warriors colors.
Anyone who’s bought something on Amazon is familiar with the “Customers Who Bought This Also Bought…” recommendations.

That might work for commodities, but any music lover will tell you that sonic fingerprints can’t be tracked with an algorithm. Lucky for Mill Valley residents, we have a music store among us with a massive inventory and an owner with an encyclopedic knowledge of music. Mill Valley Music, which Gary Scheuenstuhl opened after his former boss John Goddard closed his downtown Village Music shop in 2007. 

With those attributes and the robust revival of vinyl records in recent years, Scheuenstuhl has built one of the best record stores in the Bay Area, making Mill Valley Music a treasure trove for both music lovers and those shopping for them. And during the holidays, the shop is laden with albums from Record Store Day, the twice-annual celebration of independent music stores that has grown into the biggest sales day of the year for record shops aorund the country.

Scheuenstuhl is holding an end-of-year sale on December 29-31 with 20 percent off all new music and 30 percent off all used music. He also just received a new shipment of Mill Valley Music t-shirts and hoodies, including many on San Francisco Giants orange and black and Golden State Warriors blue and gold.

The 411: Mill Valley Music is located at 320 Miller Ave., (415) 389-9090. NOTE: Parking is limited due to the Miller Avenue Streetscape Project but is available along outbound Miller Ave. between Mill Valley Lumber Yard and MV Music. MORE INFO.

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