K.J., a materials scientist, designer author/illustrator will be signing copies of the first three books in the series about Woollard, a round, friendly felted fellow, and his buddy Shaggy the Sheep. Scribbles sees her books and their tangible characters as an antidote to today’s digitally-driven culture. Future titles in the series include characters made from cork, steel, rubber and cement. The books aim to capture and unlock the character of materials in stories that kids love to read, touch and make.
“I hope to inspire kids and parents and teachers to look differently at the world and see and love and learn a little bit about the character and personality of the stuff that surrounds us,” Scribbles says.
“We’re especially proud to debut The Stuff Kids books, as Once Around is where Kara first bought the felt that gave her the idea for the series!” says Once Around owner Louise Dockstader.
The 411: K.J. Scribbles launches her The Stuff Kids project at Once Around, 75 Throckmorton Avenue, on Sunday, June 10, 1-5pm. Kara will be signing books at the store and doing free felt activities for kids. MORE INFO.