
Tuesday Night Comedy host Mark Pitta, at left center, with eight comics on August 19, 2014, in the first show after the tragic passing of Robin Williams to varying degrees: Dan St. Paul, Larry “Bubbles” Brown, Steven Pearl, Marc Hershon, Del Van Dyke, Johnny Steele, Lisa Gedulig and Michael Meehan. Courtesy image.

From Throckmorton Theatre Executive Director Lucy Mercer:

“We have been producing Mark Pitta & Friends for a solid decade every Tuesday. It became a nationally acclaimed show over the years and I am tremendously proud of it. However, doing a weekly show does not allow for the kind of break and reflection that any creative show needs to stay on top of its game. We agreed to put Mark Pitta & Friends on an indefinite break while we focus on what it means to deliver a top quality show for the next 10 years. We are taking a break to ‘tune our creative batteries.’ Stay tuned for further announcements in the next weeks! If you have comments, or stories on the show please forward to Lucy@ThrockmortonTheatre.org. Thank you!”

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