“The Mountain Calls,” a special One Tam evening hosted by Tomales Bay Miwok descendent Sky Road Webb and television host Doug McConnell at the Throckmorton Theatre in Mill Valley, is set for Thursday, May 5 at the Throckmorton Theatre and features:
- Short films by Mill Valley visual storytelling artist Gary Yost, including the premiere of Song of the Last Place (There Is Nowhere Else to Go), a film about the West Peak of Mt. Tam, featuring musicians Jimmy Dillon and Katy Boyd.
- Poetry reading by Jane Hirshfield, set before a stunning time-lapse of Mt. Tam.
- Sneak peeks of upcoming projects and events from One Tam partners.
Yost’s new short film will be the centerpiece of the evening and continues his ongoing work to celebrate the history and stunning beauty of Mount Tam. From his widely lauded film “The Invisible Peak” to a chronicle of the creation of making of a Mt. Tam mural and his viral time lapse from the Mount Tamalpais fire lookout, with a bevy of films throughout the 94941 in between, Yost has shown boundless creativity in casting his lens from and upon the Sleeping Lady.
One Tam is a community campaign of the Tamalpais Lands Collaborative to “raise awareness about the need to maintain the long-term health of Mt. Tam, engage more volunteers in caring for its treasured resources, and renew the spirit of philanthropy that has been so fundamental to the preservation of Mt. Tam over the past century.” The Tamalpais Lands Collaborative includes California State Parks, Marin County Parks, Marin Municipal Water District, and the National Park Service along with the nonprofit Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy.
Tickets for “The Mountain Calls” are available for $30 at throckmortontheatre.org, with proceeds benefiting restoration projects and volunteer programs on Mt. Tam.