The map below shows the service area including roughly 2.5 square miles from all Marin County SMART stations.
All that said, we’re curious to hear the experience so far for Mill Valley commuters on Marin Transit’s new on-demand, Uber app-powered ride service, Marin Connect. The service provides commuters primarily along the SMART station corridor, some bus pads and the Larkspur Ferry Terminal with several new, discounted ride options on four-van Connect fleet under a new partnership that kicked off in July between Uber, Marin Transit and the Transportation Authority of Marin. The connection service area does not extend south to Mill Valley.
The Uber program replaces and expands on the previous Lyft program, which only offered the discount for trips to and from SMART stations. The discount would normally apply to only UberPool rides, but carpool rides are unavailable because of the coronavirus outbreak. In the meantime, the discount will be applied to UberX rides.
“The new service area will cover roughly 2.5 square miles from all six Marin commuter rail SMART stations,” TAM announced in a statement. In addition, Marin Transit will pick up passengers from bus hubs and the Larkspur Ferry Terminal.
Marin Connect’s fare structure remains the same, with customers booking a ride on the six-seater and wheelchair-accessible vans operated by Marin Transit for $4 per mile or $3 for Marin Access riders. There is no booking fee. The app will allow riders to share the ride if they’re traveling in the same direction.
The service operates weekdays from 6am-7pm. TAM is also partnering with Uber to launch a first/last-mile voucher program to and from transit stops. These vouchers can be used for Marin Connect as well.
Any Mill Valley users of the Marin Connect program? How’s it going so far? I’m sure your future commuting neighbors would appreciate some insight as lives inches back toward some degree of normalcy over the next several months.
Post a comment below.