“I grew up next to Sycamore Park and I can tell you there were years of kids knocking on our door to use our bathroom,” Councilmember Jessica Sloan said. “It is a long awaited project and will make the park so much better.”
“This is a very exciting project, one that has been in the planning stages on the City’s to-do list for a number of years,” City Manager Jim McCann said. “There has been a great need for a restroom in the Sycamore Park and the Council and the Parks and Recreation Commission, almost 10 years ago, explored it, made decisions, provided direction, and we are now ready to bring this project home.”
The restroom will be a compact, single unit, ADA compliant structure with a natural wooden exterior and an ADA compliant drinking fountain. The bid opening for the project is scheduled for late May. Construction is expected to begin in July and be completed in August 2018. Estimated cost is $250,000, funded by the City’s Capitol Improvement Project budget.