by mvchamber | Aug 9, 2021 | Arts & Entertainment, Food & Drink, Restaurants, Tam Junction
One year into the launch of their multi-faceted Junction Beer Garden & Bottle Shop + Jeff Krupman’s Pizza Hacker combo, Dez and Liz Fiedler have been killing it with live music bookings in the space. They’re also diving into live stand-up comedy, and...
by mvchamber | Aug 9, 2021 | Art, City of Mill Valley, Downtown Mill Valley, Food & Drink, Live Music, Miller Avenue, Restaurants, Shopping
Makers Market‘s regular series of monthly Open Air Artisan Faires at the Mill Valley Lumber Yard continues Aug. 14 from 11am-5pm. “These Open Air Artisan Faires bring the best of the Bay Area’s skilled craftspeople into one space for residents to enjoy,” Makers...
by mvchamber | Aug 5, 2021 | City Council, City of Mill Valley, County of Marin, Depot Plaza, Downtown Mill Valley, Food & Drink, Miller Avenue, Restaurants, Shopping
This is the preview text of the image above The Mill Valley City Council unanimously rejected a proposal to terminate its COVID-19 urgency ordinance, as well as its related outdoor business program that has been a lifeline for dozens of businesses across myriad...
by mvchamber | Aug 5, 2021 | Downtown Mill Valley, Food & Drink, Mill Valley History, Restaurants
For this weekend’s Miller Closure, here’s your Saturday afternoon/evening program, in no particular order: wander around and pop into a store you’ve never been to before, buy a gift for that special someone (maybe you are that special someone),...
by mvchamber | Aug 4, 2021 | City of Mill Valley, County of Marin, Downtown Mill Valley, Food & Drink, Restaurants
As if the pandemic hasn’t presented restaurant owners with enough conundrums over the past 16-plus months, Bungalow 44 co-owner Peter Schumacher had another one drop into his lap several months ago. “Through the course of the pandemic, we obviously leaned...
by mvchamber | Aug 4, 2021 | Downtown Mill Valley, Food & Drink, Mill Valley History, Restaurants, Uncategorized
In 1972, with interest rates nearly at 20% making the real estate industry the antithesis of the unstoppable force that it is today, Mill Valley realtor Bob Valentino was on the hunt for a career change. He found it by buying Stefano’s Pizza at 8 East Blithedale...