From the team behind the acclaimed 2010 ‘Race to Nowhere’ documentary, new film, a companion to Vicki Abeles’ book ‘Rescuing an Overscheduled, Overtested, Underestimated Generation,’ seeks to “challenge the assumptions of our current education story.”


Soon after her Race to Nowhere documentary on the modern American educational system became a smash hit and a favorite at the Milll Valley Film Festival, author and director Vicki Abeles went right back to create another thought-provoking look at education, Beyond Measure, which screens at Edna Maguire Elementary School on March 28. The event is presented by Speak to Me Events and sponsored by Bright Horizons.

“High grades, high test scores and admission to one of the nation’s elite colleges have long been embraced as symbols of excellence and, by extension, successful parenting,” recounts The New York Times. “Abeles suggests that pursuit of this narrow form of success is actually harming children and families, and distorting our educational institutions. (Beyond Measure) is bound to be controversial, particularly to the education establishment — university presidents, the testing industry and the policy makers who support them.”

The 411: Beyond Measure screens at Edna Maguire Elementary School, 80 Lomita Drive, on March 28 at 7pm. More info and buy tickets.

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