
Christina Lisac is best known in Mill Valley as the owner of Apricot Forest, a Mill Valley-based acupuncture practice that treats a wide range of conditions, including depression, weight issues, back pain, intestinal issues and particularly sleep issues.

​But now Lisac is drawing on another area of expertise: helping new owners of rescue dogs connect with their pooch. Lisac, who has extensive experience in successfully training rescue dogs has launched a five-week, relationship-building program designed to bring you and your canine closer together. This training seeks to boost your dog’s confidence and self esteem, increasing your pet’s ability to engage comfortably amongst other dogs.

These intimate classes are limited to eight owner/guardians and their dogs. In addition to the overall training, each set of participants will receive a bonus, 30-minute one-on-one consultation – designed to nurture and emotionally heal from challenges as skittishness, fear, extreme aggressiveness, or other emotional issues.

To enroll, call Lisac at 510.927.8480 today. Classes begin Wednesday, June 21, 10am-11am, and take place in Mill Valley (Lisac will notify enrollees of the exact location. Cost for the five-week is $150.

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