Longtime local photographer Amelia Plumb, last seen in this space creating social media photo sessions for businesses who need help creating content, is getting the First Tuesday Artwalk treatment in June, and even into July 12th. Plumb, who fell in love with...
Mill Valley Music owner Gary Scheuenstuhl and his longtime bandmates are set to return to the Throckmorton Theatre once again, this time on Saturday, June 8th with an exciting hybrid performance that incorporates the music of two of the greatest bands of all time –...
By Luke Barnesmoore In California, older adults are now the fastest-growing demographic facing first-time homelessness. Shockingly, 48% of the unhoused population in California is over 50, with 41% experiencing homelessness for the first time after reaching this age...
As anyone who reads the EMV Blog knows well, Homestead Valley’s Tim Ryan, a 2023 Milley Award winner, widely known for his public art projects that bring his neighbors together, brings pure joy to his community on a regular basis. He’s long since had...
You have (hopefully) heard by now that Marin is in the midst of a housing crisis, and that if we don’t address it head on, we may ultimately lose the local control we have over where new housing appears within our community. There have been no shortage of...