Drawing from historical documents and events and based on the life of her mother, Neiman’s novel tells the story of Shula, a child prodigy pianist, who grows up in British Mandate Palestine as war erupts throughout the world. The novel brings to life the birth of the State of Israel, as well as the horrors and dangers of growing up in a conflict zone, through the eyes of one courageous woman. Artifacts from the author’s collection, including one-of-a-kind Yeminite, Arab and Bedouin dresses, will be on display at the event.
Neiman is a writer, event producer and public relations professional. She based Born Under Fire on the true story of her mother, Shulamit Dubno Neiman, a Sabra, a musician, and one of the first generation of modern-day Israelis.
The 411: Mill Vally author Rina Z. Neiman reads from and discusses her debut novel, Born Under Fire, at the Depot Bookstore & Cafe on Thursday, Nov. 1 at 7pm. Free. MORE INFO.