And while she continues to practice what she preaches, she’s going even further to that end, hosting with Marin Primary & Middle School teacher Rebecca Wunderlich a day-long Mt. Tam EcoFest at her space within the MV Lumber Yard (129 Miller Ave.) to spread the word on reducing waste.
The event features speakers, live music, DIY workshops and a forum for local restaurants on best practices to provide environmentally sustainable and cost effective ways to reduce waste. Speakers and workshops will cover learning ways to improve your recycling habit and getting clarity on which items go into the compost vs. the landfill. There will also be a Restaurant Forum to help restaurant owners and managers learn about best practices to provide environmentally sustainable and cost effective ways to reduce waste. Speakers include Miriam Gordon of Upstream and Grace Lee of ReThink Disposable.
THE 411: Ambatalia hosts a day-long Mt. Tam EcoFest within the MV Lumber Yard (129 Miller Ave.) to spread the word on reducing waste. MORE INFO.