Here are his thoughts:
“I’m sad not being able to stay at my current location, at the same time, overwhelmed by the love and support coming my way. I’m beyond grateful. Is it possible to be beyond grateful and sad at the same time? Everyone is concerned for my well-being and asking what’s next.
I offer this as an answer…In a recent ‘chance encounter,’ a new client offered a card reading. I pulled ‘The Void’ below is a part of the meaning and explains my process, how I’m dealing with ‘what’s next.’ ‘You’re being called to surrender to the mystery of what’s next. To rest, and to allow the winter of your life to do the work for you.’ ‘The Void often surfaces at the end of a chapter or life phase. When we’re called to let go of all that we know and identify with. When you’re in the Void it can feel scary – and as if you should be ‘doing’ something. However, when this card appears it’s a sure sign that the most productive thing to do is relinquish control and surrender to the changing mystery of your life.’
My shop closes on February 28th. PLEASE come shop, I’m offering ‘Great Deals’. I need all the help I can get, help support ‘What’s Next.’ Thanks for 32 amazing years, stay safe and see you at ‘What’s Next.’ Much love comin atcha, Larry the Hat.”
That block party was fantastic and the crown jewel was Tallulah. If she needs plane fare to go on American Idol, let me know 🙂 – pls forward to Larry