The 2018 edition of Winterfest ended in appropriate fashion on Sunday, Dec. 2, as Rabbi Hillel Scop of Chabad Mill Valley led hundreds of people on the Depot Plaza downtown through a Menorah Lighting ceremony as Hanukkah began at sunset (see short video above).
Rabbi Susan Leider of Kol Shofar.
But Mill Valley’s just getting started on its celebration of the Festival of Lights, as there are two more Menorah Lighting ceremonies planned for the coming week. First up is Rabbi Susan Leider of Congregation Kol Shofar in Tiburon leading a Menorah Lighting on Thursday, Dec. 6 in the Depot Plaza downtown from 5-6:30pm. In addition to the Menorah Lighting ceremony, the event will also feature seasonal foods like latkes and jelly doughnuts, crafts including a dreidel spinning “clinic” and candle making, gelt for all, live music, Hanukkah and interfaith prayers including event co-sponsors Marin Interfaith Council/Love Lives In Marin.
Three days later, from 5-7pm, Scop and his family will do the same, this time outside their new Brooklyn community space and retail shop just across the street from the Depot Plaza at 29 Miller Avenue. Much like the Winterfest Menorah Lighting, the event will feature a nine-foot Menorah, as well as hot latkes with apple sauce and sour cream, sufganyot jelly donuts, gelt and dreidels, music and a “stuff a dreidel” craft for kids. MORE ABOUT CHABAD MILL VALLEY AND BROOKLYN HERE.