Mt. Tamalpais United Methodist Church has long been home to a welcoming environment for all.
Friends and members of Mt. Tam Church are invited to engage with Mayor Stephen Burke as he shares City Council’s visions and plans for the city in the years ahead. This event takes place at noon in the church sanctuary.
Mayor Burke will highlight the city’s next steps, following the passage of the Measure L sales tax, for infrastructure maintenance and enhancements, fiscal sustainability, and emergency preparedness.
He will also address land use and affordable housing challenges, business and cultural vitality initiatives, the critical importance of public/private partnerships, community engagement, and Mill Valley’s ongoing commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
A delicious pizza lunch will be provided prior to the meet and greet – suggested donation for lunch but all invited to dine regardless of ability to pay.
All are welcome to ask questions following the presentation.
A bit more history on Mayor Stephen Burke: Stephen was appointed to the Mill Valley City Council on September 20, 2021 and is currently serving as Mayor. Prior to his appointment Stephen served on Mill Valley’s Parks and Recreation Commission, as well as the 2021 Marin County Civil Grand Jury and as Mill Valley’s representative on the Transportation Authority of Marin Citizen Oversight Committee.
Stephen previously served Mill Valley as a Parks and Recreation Commissioner from 2010-12, a member of the City’s General Plan Advisory Committee in 2012, and on its Traffic Advisory and Congestion Task Force in 2016. He has also been active as a youth basketball coach, both for Mt. Carmel CYO and at Tamalpais High School.
He is a retired entrepreneur, with a focus on mobile software and services, and spent 15 years with the Sony Corporation in Japan and the US in a range of senior management roles. He and his wife Kit Murphy have lived in Mill Valley since 2001, and their sons Evan and Liam are graduates of Old Mill Elementary, Mill Valley Middle School, and Tamalpais High School.