Mt. Tam Church LabrynthMt. Tamalpais United Methodist Church continues to sustain its deep connection with its congregation, hosting a ‘Back to Church Sunday’ event on on September 10th, starting with their annual Bagel Breakfast at 9:30am featuring bagels, fruit and other goodies, along with coffee and juice, followed by their regular Sunday Worship at 10:30am.

The church’s 2023-2024 Sunday School Program Year begins that day during worship. Worship and Children’s Sunday School: Sundays, 10:30am at Mt. Tam Church (410 Sycamore Ave, Mill Valley). They welcome the entire community to Back to Church Sunday. RSVP for breakfast to
Later in September, Mt. Tam Church’s congregation gathers for the dedication of their new outdoor community labyrinth on Sunday, September 24th, at 11:30am. The labyrinth was created by 16-year-old Eagle Scout and Mt. Tam Church member Brendan Steinhofer with mostly donated materials and labor. The labrynth – a circular maze with one way in and one way out – is a meditative activity for the community.

“It’s really in a place where everyone can use it. They’ve been used for thousands of years to practice mindfulness,” Steinhofer told the Marin IJ. “You walk around the path and think about a big decision you have. I think it’s really cool because it’s the first one in Mill Valley, where I live.”

“The congregation wants all to know that It is a gift to the entire Mill Valley community and will be available to anyone at any time.” 

A labyrinth represents a journey or path to our own center and back out again into the world. Labyrinths have long been used as meditation and prayer tools. Following the dedication, refreshments will be provided and those in attendance will have an opportunity to walk the labyrinth.

All are welcome to join for worship beforehand at 10:30am.


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