
The Mill Valley Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center partnered with Clean Mill Valley this week for a Downtown Cleanup, and the results can be summed up succinctly: Coffee & Cigarettes (not the Jim Jarmusch film).  

Smokers and coffee drinkers might need a helping hand to find a trash receptacle for their leftovers, but overall, largely because of the dedicated efforts of Clean Mill Valley’s volunteers as well as those of local business owners and employees, downtown Mill Valley was pretty darn clean.

Thanks to Joan Murray, Jim Stephenson, Jeff Conley, Melinda Miller, Lynda Chittenden and Rachel Jeter for showing up to keep downtown Mill Valley clean!

That said, we have a question for smokers and coffee drinkers: what can residents, business owners and our local officials do to make sure those butts and cups go in the trash? Let us know in the comments!

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